Victory Gamers' 40k group is taking its games to new levels. The Pyrriah Campaign narrative is growing bigger and bigger. Check out the 40k narrative page on this website and the companion Pyrriah Campaign website for more details. While we're still excited by weekly pick up games (we pretty much have a least one game going every weekend, usually a Friday night), the narrative campaign helps put a story behind every battle and give an extra push to make every model special.
It also is a catalyst for playing 40k in slightly different ways than usual. On the big end, there are epic battles being planned. The first will be held on Saturday, June 4, and is being called "Tentcon" since it will be played in someone's back garden in a wedding reception sized tent. There will be grilled food and drink and an epic battle, some 16,000 points of models and a battlefield consisting of three 6'x4' tables side-by-side. The game is both narrative and competitive and looks to be a blast. You can read all about it, including the primer, on the Pyrriah Campaign website. On the smaller end, we are getting ready to launch Kill Team sized games as part of the "Neversun" campaign. Set in a desolate Mechanicum facility in the arctic wastes of Pyrriah, this small unit game will blend in as part of the larger Pyrriah campaign. It will be a blend of 40k fluff and rules, combined with "Mallifaux" influenced missions and objectives. It also will be a showcase for unique models and terrain pieces. If you're interested in finding out more or joining in, contact us through the Find a Game page on this website. |
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