The club is starting to resume in-person gaming, as safety allows. The club leaves it to individuals to decide when and how to start in- person gaming based on their circumstances and level of comfort. Victory Comics has not yet announced resumption of in-store gaming, but Huzzah Hobbies is taking reservations for gaming tables (bring your own terrain). The Board Room has informed us we can resume using our reservation for Sunday afternoons, but I would like to have people sign up to limit numbers in the space. Looking for the most efficient way to handle that sign up process and will post details in the future.
Below is a schedule of club events for a typical week. An update is sent out by list serve every Monday and posted on the club's Facebook page.
TUESDAYS - Age of Sigmar at Victory Comics, 6-9 pm. All welcome to battle it out in the Mortal Realms. [ON HOLD]
THURSDAYS - Kill Team at VIctory Comics (6-9 pm) [ON HOLD]
SATURDAYS: Warhammer 40k / 30k at Victory Comics (6-9 pm) [ON HOLD]
We have multiple WhatsApp chats for Age of Sigmar, Warhammer 40,000, and other games and activities. Current chats are: AoS, 40k, Skirmish Games (KT, Necro, Underworlds), Blood Bowl, Middle Earth, RPGs, Star Wars, Great Hall (general announcements), Sales & Swaps, Literacy (book club), Kidshammer (kids gaming), Video Games, and more! Follow the club on Facebook at Victory Gamers Falls Church.
Below is a schedule of club events for a typical week. An update is sent out by list serve every Monday and posted on the club's Facebook page.
TUESDAYS - Age of Sigmar at Victory Comics, 6-9 pm. All welcome to battle it out in the Mortal Realms. [ON HOLD]
THURSDAYS - Kill Team at VIctory Comics (6-9 pm) [ON HOLD]
SATURDAYS: Warhammer 40k / 30k at Victory Comics (6-9 pm) [ON HOLD]
- Open gaming and socializing at The Board Room in Arlington, 1 pm until 6 pm. The Board Room sets aside a section of the bar/restaurant for us to put up to four 6x4' tables and gives us part of a storage locker on site to keep our tables and terrain. The Board Room is a great place and offers the chance for drinks and food while playing Warhammer 40k or Age of Sigmar (or Necromunda or Kill Team or Titanicus or Blood Bowl or whatever you want!). Learn more about it at
- Middle Earth Strategy Battle Game (LotR) happens regularly every Sunday afternoon, 1-6 pm, at Victory Comics and on an ad hoc basis throughout the week. [ON HOLD]
- Necromunda. Generally plays on Sundays at Board Room. Club campaign hopes to re-start. Gangs are being added to the campaign via Yaktribe. Contact Martin Rauscher on the Whatsup chats for details.
- Dropzone/Dropfleet Commander Dropfleet is probably one of the best non-GW miniatures games out there, so highly recommend it to any interested in Battlefleet Gothic style big ship combat. Dropzone is more akin to Epic. Both have great models and stories. Generally playing on Sundays at the Board Room.
- Warhammer Underworlds. Probably the most tactical game GW has to offer. Best way to keep abreast is to join the Skirmish WhatsApp chat.
- Adeptus Titanicus. Everyone digs giant robots, and Adeptus Titanicus gives you the chance to fight with the biggest in the Grim Dark.
- Aeronautica Imperialis. Great looking models in a skirmish-sized game of aerial combat.
- Malifaux. Steam punk and western themed game. Great models, fluff and ruleset.
- Marvel Crisis Protocol. There was a lot of excitement for this game pre-coronavirus. Sure it will continue after the lockdown.
- Star Wars. There has been renewed interest in Star Wars: Legion and Star Wars: Imperial Assault.
We have multiple WhatsApp chats for Age of Sigmar, Warhammer 40,000, and other games and activities. Current chats are: AoS, 40k, Skirmish Games (KT, Necro, Underworlds), Blood Bowl, Middle Earth, RPGs, Star Wars, Great Hall (general announcements), Sales & Swaps, Literacy (book club), Kidshammer (kids gaming), Video Games, and more! Follow the club on Facebook at Victory Gamers Falls Church.