- Victory Gamers is launching gaming leagues for Age of Sigmar (Beginners League), 30k (Zone Mortalis), 40k (Combat Patrol), and Dropzone/Dropfleet Commander (Narrative League). These leagues all start in January and continue through April. More information about each and the ability to sign up to participate is available in the following SignUp Genius links:
- AoS Beginners League (Board Room) - https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0E4DA8A72EA4FA7-46351065-ageofsigmar
- 30K Zone Mortlis League (Your Hobby Place, Alexandria) - https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0E4DA8A72EA4FA7-46347567-yhp30k
- 40k Victory Combat Patrol League (Victory Comics) - https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0E4DA8A72EA4FA7-47008933-victory
- Dropzone/Dropfleet Commander (Board Room) - https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0E4DA8A72EA4FA7-46774920-victory
- The club’s annual mini-convention, called TentCon, will be held again in 2024, on either Saturday June 1, or Saturday June 8. Details will be provided as soon as available.
- Club members are heavily involved in the running of the NOVA Open, which will be held from August 28 through September 1, 2024 (Labor Day weekend).
- We’ll end the year with the club’s Holiday Party, which is tentatively planned for Saturday, December 14. I am trying to schedule the Holiday Party so that it will not conflict with PAX Unplugged in Philadelphia the first weekend of December.
We will continue to rent storage space and gaming space on Sunday afternoons at the Board Room in Arlington. I would love to see this space used more regularly than it was in 2024, so please consider meeting up to play on Sunday afternoons or lead special events for any particular Sunday. If you plan on playing at the Board Room on a Sunday, please sign up using Sign Up Genius at https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0E4DA8A72EA4FA7-board.
Again, thanks for another successful year! It marks the 8th since the club was founded in 2015. Since then, the club has grown from two members to over 130 members in our Whatsapp community.
But having a lot of people in our chats is not the metric of the club’s success – it is bringing people together in person, to have our members know each other personally and not just as posters in a chat. I like to think we’ve done a great job of that so far and hope it is always what makes Victory Gamers what it is. A lot of new people have joined in 2023, and I look forward to seeing all of you in person in 2024!!!